quid pro quo

美 [ˌkwɪd proʊ ˈkwoʊ]英 [ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ]
  • n.回报;报偿

复数: quid pro quos

quid pro quoquid pro quo


a thing given in return for sth else

quid pro quo


  • 1
    N-COUNT 回报;交换物;报酬
    A quid pro quo is a gift or advantage that is given to someone in return for something that they have done.

    The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo...



something for something;that which a party receives (or is promised) in return for something he does or gives or promises
Synonym: quid


  1. His promotion may be regarded as the quid pro quo for his support .


  2. This arrangement was a quid pro quo for credits given by G10 under the Basel Agreement .


  3. They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis .


  4. The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo


  5. What do you think would be fair quid pro quo ?


  6. He may regard informal influence over US foreign policy as his quid pro quo .


  7. And if she was getting any help , it would be a quid pro quo deal .


  8. It would be folly to grant that increase without insisting on some quid pro quo .


  9. The management have agreed to begin pay talks as a quid pro quo for suspension of strike action .


  10. But those are secondary issues next to the quid pro quo politicians may demand for bailing out the industry .


  11. Are you implying there was a quid pro quo here ?


  12. If the search market were competitive , then normal commercial negotiations would establish some sort of quid pro quo for the exchange .


  13. That 's the deal.Otherwise , fuck it . That 's another quid pro quo .


  14. Developing countries object to being leaned on and the US and other rich countries lack the political capacity to offer the quid pro quo .


  15. The quid pro quo had been an overgenerous and under-policed expenses system .


  16. I think it should be quid pro quo -- you do the laundry for me and I 'll take you to the movies .


  17. he did not sink into the easy , quid pro quo conventions of late-night talk shows , but kept defying them .


  18. The quid pro quo for fiscal and financial reform in deficit countries must be deregulation of product , service and labour markets to boost incomes in surplus countries .


  19. Let 's make it a quid pro quo in which you contribute to our party 's election fund and we give you a big government contract if we win the election .


  20. I have this quid pro quo with my flatmate where I do his washing for him and he lets me use his computer for an hour a day .


  21. The idea of a quid pro quo for supporting her government never entered his head , of course : I did not expect any help from her , nor did I ask for any .


  22. All parties have agreed to resolve the nuclear issue and concerns of all parties through the approaches of " coordinated steps " and " quid pro quo in words and acts " .


  23. If Germany cannot deliver its side of this quid pro quo , it is not clear to me why anybody would accept a loss of sovereignty – which is effectively what policy co-ordination would imply .


  24. And in an apparent quid pro quo , Mr. McKinnon said once New Balance established a shop on Tmall , Alibaba appeared more eager to remove listings for knockoff sneakers .


  25. In his novels , Scott characterized Scotsmen as noble men so as to renew Scots cultural identity as a quid pro quo for which Scotland had lost politically and economically .


  26. The most efficient way to encourage the inventors to disclose his invention is to establish a system under which the inventors can achieve the economic benefits as the quid pro quo for the invention publicity .


  27. If successful , the government might elect to try another slice of the market * As long as the rule is unwritten and no one fights back , this sort of unilateral quid pro quo will continue .


  28. The quid pro quo , though , might be the departure of Mr Albanese less than two years into his tenure . Fair enough ; the blameless Mr Leng should not be the only one seeking new opportunities .


  29. In the U.S. , Christmas is associated with a sort of quid pro quo : People who celebrate Christmas leave cookies and milk for Santa Claus , and he leaves edible treats in their stockings .


  30. Most importantly , including Japan in the TPP would open up opportunities for a range of less developed economies while reassuring advanced economies on standards . This kind of quid pro quo offers some of the largest direct gains from trade .
